The principle aim of PASH UK is to help PASH towards eradicating poverty and improving health in the community by initiating projects such as farming and agriculture which in turn provide food within the community.
We aim to assist group members to form micro-businesses such as plant nurseries, brick making, fish farming, grain selling etc, in order for them to earn an income and become self sufficient.
We help to promote learning and education for children who are orphaned or come from poor or unable families, and enable them to receive an education in a school, and provide stationery, books and uniforms.
We aim to improve health and living conditions by supporting water projects which will improve the quality of domestic water supplies and allow for irrigation of crops.
We assist with building projects for improved housing and other buildings.
Assistance is given to provide the community with the necessary tools and equipment to improve and conserve the environment (for example by planting trees).
We provide support when a family is bereaved or falls sick, with expenses and medicines. Malaria is an ongoing problem in this area of Kenya, and we would like to provide mosquito nets to help prevent the disease.
PASH promotes the spread and the true understanding of the Gospel among the community members by forming bible discussion and study groups, and teaching sessions.