Brompton – on – Swale to Osmotherly.
Met 3 old friends, Lisa from Leipzig, Tom from Preston, & ‘Guernsey Man’ who calls Paul ‘Crapeau’.
Completed 22 miles today on 9 hours walking.
Walking was long but not particularly difficult except a steep walk at the end into Osmotherly.
Weather mixed with sunshine & showers.
Hairiest moment of the whole walk – crossing the A19 in the rush hour, dual carriageway at motorway speed!!
Not to be outdone by Steve, Dave was threatened by a goose & had to beat a hasty retreat.
All fit (ha-ha) & well, & relieved no more blisters after a long day.
Please keep sending your comments, we appreciate them very much.
Only 51 miles to the sea, slightly less than the 200 miles first estimated, not counting pub & telephone box miles.
We can now smell the sea, which makes a change from ‘Black Sheep’ & walking socks!!
Forever Eastward
Dave, Paul & Steve
Hi Crapeau and intrepid walkers!
Congratulations on being 51 miles from the sea. Sue and I have spent a lovely relaxing morning in your back garden basking in the warm sunshine–not a blister in sight!!
Well we are all rooting for you three. You’ve done brilliantly so far and we know you will finish the trek blisters and all!
Chins up chaps–Luv your favourite sis in law pat & bro in law Dudley xx
So the angry birds are getting bigger – luckily for Paul there are no emus on route, they can give a nasty peck on the nose.
Keep going chaps – you’re nearly there! love Louise
go Crapeau, go
Looks like you’re going to be the last one to get a bird Paul. You never did have much luck with them until you met me. Never mind you’ll soon be home and then you can have a peck on the cheek!